A distribution pole is in static equilibrium. 1 The loads on the pole and any resistance to those loads are balancing each other out. Loads are due to conductor tension and wind load on the pole and conductors, and resistance is provided by the pole itself and stays. The resistance given by the stay is passive.
In this simple example of a termination pole with one stay (where the pole is modelled as a strut) for the no wind case the conductor tension is completely resisted by the stay leaving a net tipload of 0.
Stays and conductors do not behave in the same way. The conductors exert a load on the pole and the stays resist the loads. Pole loading software perform calculations using both conductor properties and stay properties, however these properties are applied in different steps of the calculation.
The Tipload module of Poles ‘n’ Wires models conductors and stays.
- The sum of the forces in each direction is zero (it’s not tilting). The sum of the torques on it in each direction is zero (it’s not rotating). Its linear momentum is zero (it’s not moving). Therefore the pole is in static equilibrium. Sourced from http://spiff.rit.edu/classes/phys311.old/lectures/static/static.html