When calculating the loading on a power pole (tipload) should you consider the effect of a streetlight?
I selected a Sylvania Suburban as a typical light used on a distribution pole, mounted at 6.5m.

Using the dimensions and weight from the manufacturer’s data sheet and adding a small allowance for the outreach, I create a new plant item to model the light.
Adding the plant item to a pole with no circuits and zero pole diameter (so the light is the only component contributing to the load) and using typical limit state load combinations, gives results of 0.02 kN everyday/no wind load and 0.14 kN maximum wind load.
This simple test shows a streetlight adds a negligible load so it is reasonable to ignore it if the pole you are using is a typical distribution pole.
If you are mounting the light on a typical streetlight column, which has a much smaller strength than a distribution pole, you may need to model it.

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash