Free Software Tools

These tools are provided as a free service. Any feedback is welcome.

Pole Deflection Calculator

This tool calculates deflection in a solid or hollow round pole due to a point load. You need to specify Young’s Modulus (Modulus of elasticity) in MPa. Table F1 in AS7000:2016 gives suitable values.

Download this file . Unzip the file to your computer and run PoleDeflection.exe to access the tool.

Conductor Bundle Size Calculator

You need to know the overall diameter of a conductor bundle for wind loading. This tool does a calculation for up to 6 sub-conductors, determining the diameter of the smallest circle that will enclose the grouping of circles (sub-conductors).

Download the tool from It does not need to be installed.

Clone and Modify a Conductor Record

You may need to create a new conductor derived from an existing conductor eg a twinned conductor, where the only difference is mass and diameter. You can select the “base” conductor and create the new record more easily than direct interaction with the Database interface.

  1. Select the base conductor from the list of existing conductors
  2. Enter the new code (must be unique in the database)
  3. Enter the new mass and diameter
  4. Click Save to database
  5. You need to restart Poles ‘n’ Wires to use the new conductor

Download the tool from It does not need to be installed.

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