Differences between Version 6 and Version 7

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Differences between Version 6 and Version 7

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This is a list of differences in behaviour or method between version 6 and version 7 of Poles ‘n’ Wires.


Version 7 shows uplift on one wire/insulator only. Version 6 shows uplift on the crossarm ie it has been multiplied by the number of conductors.

Tipload modules

Version 6 has separate working stress and limit state modules. Version 7 has one tipload module that can be set up for working stress or limit state calculations.

Pole top allowance

This allows for crossarms, insulators etc by multiplying the wind load on the pole by the specified value. The default is 1. In version 6 this variable is used by the working stress tipload module (default value is 1.1) but is not used by the limit state module. In version 7 this variable is applied to all tipload calculations.

Profile file

When opening a version 6 profile file, independent circuits and annotations (remarks drawn on the profile) are ignored.

Plant database

In version 6 the value for Offset is horizontal offset of the centre of mass of the plant item from the pole axis (see version 6 user manual section 16.2). In version 7 the offset is the distance of centre of mass from the side of the pole. This allows for different sized poles (the pole radius at the attachment height is calculated by the program).

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