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Can’t see any Plant items
The tipload and profile modules allow you to select items from the Plant database (transformers etc) to add to a pole. You may not see any items listed to select, as shown here.

If you have correctly added items to the Plant database the reason you won’t see any available is because they have been filtered out.
One of the options on the General tab in Options is Working Set. This is a filter that allows the databases to contain equipment for many different utilities, but to be filtered in the interfaces according to a project’s requirements. This filter apply to all databases except Conductors.
In the example below, the working set Essential Energy has been selected.

On examining the Plant database you will see no items have that value in the Set name column.

For this reason no Plant items are available for selection in the Tipload module.
To be able to use Plant items (or items from other databases) you need to either change the Options>General>Working set value or edit the Set names in the database.
If no Working set is selected in Options (the blank value) then all database items are available for selection.