Poles ‘n’ Wires – Line Design Software
for the Distribution Network
Poles ‘n’ Wires is a package of related modules, giving the user all the tools they need to design a new line or assess an existing line. You can look at one pole or a whole line.
Behind the interface is a database, including conductors, timber species, poles and pole-top constructions. Additionally, users set up the Options to suit the parameters of the governing power utility or standards.
Poles ‘n’ Wires is designed to be a versatile tool for all the requirements of Distribution network operators and consultants.
This software is also suitable for Transmission line designers to prepare a quick concept plan without the time and effort required by commonly used transmission line software.
A CAD type interface allows you to insert ground line, poles and conductors to create a line profile. Check for clearances between ground and wires or between circuits.
Pole loadings (called tiploads in this software) are automatically calculated and displayed, from the data in the profile, or can be manually modified.
Import survey data in various formats, generate reports and export to CAD.
A module performing assessment of a single pole, taking into account all circuits, plant and stays. Load combinations are created in Options allowing one calculation to show multiple results, eg no wind/everyday, maximum wind or maintenance loads.
Using a pole from the database will give a percent utilized as part of the result.
Import a spreadsheet for processing of large data sets. Generate a PDF report.
Enter properties of a new or in-situ pole and calculate the theoretical full or degraded strength. Use working stress or limit state methods.
A batch import function allows rapid processing of large amounts of data from pole inspection programmes.
Assessed poles can be saved for use in tipload or profile projects allowing full modelling of an existing line.
Generate spreadsheets showing a range of temperatures and span lengths, for sag or tensions.
A standalone module to examine a single span. You can use linear (as used in most locations) or non-linear (as used in North America) calculation methods.
Enter conductor, span and loadings details and see the results. You can also determine stringing tension from field measurements of an existing span.
Behind the calculators lie comprehensive user-editable databases and options. The default conductor database is based on common Standards and manufacturer data.
Users can modify or add to existing data, and model all their local equipment.
Using equipment from the databases in the Profiler allows generation of a Bill of Materials through our companion software Nuts ‘n’ Bolts.
Poles ‘n’ Wires produces results generally compliant with the requirements of the following documents:
- ENA HB C(b)1 1991 (Australia & New Zealand)
- IEEE National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
- AS/NZS7000:2016
- BS EN 50341-1:2001
- BS EN 50423-1:2005
- IEC 60826:2003
- USDA Rural Utilities Service bulletins
- California General Order 95